Friday, August 26, 2005

Breaking News you can only find here! maybe it isn't CNN or even the Nantuckett Daily Press, but I guess you will hear it here first unless someone has been gossipping.

I am now blessed to say I have met someone and we have been dating. I'm going to try and stay away from posting too much info on here....but wanted to let the friends that read this from other states and countries in on the mix.

Email me if you want details that I haven't put out here.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

What's your responsibility?

Since Ginny says I need to update....I guess I'll throw something out there.

With gas prices soaring like crazy and no relief in sight, it's not beyond reason to think about ways in which we can be better stewards of our environment. I'm not telling you to go hug a tree, but do we really need to drive a vehicle that gets 6 miles to the gallon?

I usually don't disagree with Focus on the Family, but just to assume that something is wrong because it is coming from the liberal scientists(their own words) is kind of crazy. Common sense tells you that there's a cause and effect for everything....and spraying nasty gases into the air is probably doing something to the the world we live in.

I'm not that big on polictical correctness, PETA, or hardcore environmentalists, but if what this article says is true about FOF then I'm going to have to politely disagree for once.

Interesting discussion going on from

And I've come across something else that may be helpful:
25 ways to save at the pump