Saturday, May 28, 2005


Well, since I haven't posted in days it is about time that I put some form of an update on this blog. Most importantly, I passed my systematic theology class. This was a pretty big concern of mine, but it's a blessing that I passed and it's time to move on.
The timing of going to serve at Mission Arlington just wasn't there, and after a great deal of prayer it was decided to say no at this time. I got an understanding email from Tillie and so that's on the backburner for now.
We finally launced the new website at work, but I will try and refrain from comments about work on this personal blog.
Today I had the pleasure of going to the Dallas Musuem of Art before the Forbidden City exhibit left. Minus the horrible weather it was a great trip.
My Ole Miss boys are in the SEC tourney finals against MSU. Two teams from Mississippi in the SEC finals. That's a pretty big deal. We've beaten them every time this year so hopefully we can pull one more away from them.
Hope you enjoyed the very brief update and maybe I can get back to putting stuff out here a little more often.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

How well do you know me?

I know this could be considered cheesy, but I got the idea form my friend GM. It's an online quiz about me...I just came up with some random go give it a shot.

Take my Quiz on!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

The Big 3.0.

Well, today is the day. I've been on this earth for 30 years. I don't think it has fully set in yet, and it might take a few days. I don't want this birthday to be another day in the year. What was Jesus doing when He turned 30? I've been thinking about this today, and it should give me something to shoot for. All day, I have just been thinking about what I could do in order to signify that today is special and that it should be a new day. I want to do so much in my life that I'm not currently doing, or don't even have goals set for. I have an unwritten list, but surely it needs to be reorganized at some point. Maybe I'll come up with that list in written form and post it on here. Maybe in a few days I'll be able to see where these thoughts are taking me. I just hope the next thirty years are spent honoring God in a way I could hardly imagine today. I want everything I do to glorify Him....and that is my wish for today.

Monday, May 09, 2005


I am officially back from Florida. It was a fun trip, trying at times, but I won't get into that in a somewhat public forum. We got to see Andrew march in a parade at Disney World, and see my grandfather receive his bronze star. You can follow this link to see pictures from the trip. You will notice some firework shots, and since this my first time to attempt them, I have a long way to go to get where I want to be. It was at night and without a tripod, so I was quite limited. Some of them turned out ok though. The rest of the pictures you will see are of family and things that were seen at Disney. Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


I thought I was done for the evening when I ran accross this article. Is there anything in this world that people can't sue someone over? Frivolous lawsuits really tax the system anyway. Do you believe this one is unwarranted?

Don't get me started about Title IX, which prevented our men's soccer team at Ole Miss from existing on a varsity level. We were stuck with what we had, but we didn't feel that we needed to sue someone. Title IX has done some good, don't get me wrong, but is it like affirmative action? Is it misused and abused at times? Waiting to hear from my 1 loyal reader-----.

Reflections on a Semester

Well, finals are winding down. I have my last one tomorrow in Worship. It is crazy how a class can have so much busywork. This class has had more work than any other class I've had at seminary. Kind of makes it a chore and very hard to enjoy, but I guess that is not its purpose. Anyway, I'm taking one thing from this class. I hope I can keep it because it is a good one. Maybe even Piper said it, and while I'm not as into his books as some are, but we had to read Desiring God for this class. We are to "glorify God and enjoy Him forever." This also came up in Systematic Theology class.
What does it mean to glorify God, sometimes that is not so easy to do. Turning in assignments late or slacking off on something surely doesn't glorify God. My bad..cause I am the world's worst at that kind of stuff. We are humans though, and that's where the grace comes in. That's something else I'll address, because sometimes I fail to realize that Christ is a Christ of faith and a Christ of History. All too often, I fall too much on the faith side of things and forget about what has happened in the past.
Anyway, God is good, even when I am not and that's pretty cool. I'm flying out to Florida on Thursday to see my little bro march at Disney World. Should have some pictures from the trip up next week. Until next time, let's try to glorify God in all that we do, and definitely enjoy Him forever!!!