Well, since I haven't posted in days it is about time that I put some form of an update on this blog. Most importantly, I passed my systematic theology class. This was a pretty big concern of mine, but it's a blessing that I passed and it's time to move on.
The timing of going to serve at Mission Arlington just wasn't there, and after a great deal of prayer it was decided to say no at this time. I got an understanding email from Tillie and so that's on the backburner for now.
We finally launced the new website at work, but I will try and refrain from comments about work on this personal blog.
Today I had the pleasure of going to the Dallas Musuem of Art before the Forbidden City exhibit left. Minus the horrible weather it was a great trip.
My Ole Miss boys are in the SEC tourney finals against MSU. Two teams from Mississippi in the SEC finals. That's a pretty big deal. We've beaten them every time this year so hopefully we can pull one more away from them.
Hope you enjoyed the very brief update and maybe I can get back to putting stuff out here a little more often.